Tuesday, April 2, 2013

WOW! It's Been A While

I told you I suck at this blogging thing.

Since my last update, I have completed 15 more radiation treatments. TWO MORE! Yes...Thursday will be the LAST of my 20 treatments! I will be so glad to wake up Friday morning with nowhere to go! I have memorized every curve (and believe me, there are many) of the road to the hospital.

Emory has been an absolute sweetie during treatments. He has sat in the waiting area outside the room at almost every one of my visits. He has made friends with the therapy dog at the cancer center. When she sees me over the counter, she jumps up because she knows my little one is just out of sight beside me. He loves giving her treats. He always says, "Bye, Bay. We'll see you tomorrow!"

Side effects that I have experienced:

Sore throat - imagine the worst sore throat you've ever had. Now imagine it lasting for 3+ weeks. The only thing I can eat comfortably is lukewarm chicken broth. Everything else cause pain. Some foods, like bread, can bring me to tears. Even pudding is hard to swallow. After a version of Magic Mouthwash failed to help, we resorted to Percocet, which does nothing except make me sleep.

Red skin - I look like I have a sunburn on half of my neck, half of my chest, and half of my back. You can actually physically see where the radiation field starts & stops. It doesn't hurt & hasn't blistered, but it itches like crazy!

Fatigue - So what else is new? Thankfully, my youngest (who stays at home) is very accommodating to my nap schedule.

My hair is growing back. Like...really quickly. Been taking lots of pics. You can find them on FB if you are a friend. I'll post pics later.

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